Welcome to Atlantis, an archive for McShep Fic & Graphics by darkhavens.

This archive contains fic of a graphic homosexual nature. If this offends you, or you are not allowed to view this content due to age or legal constrictions, please leave now, otherwise, stay and play a while.


25 August 2006
Uploaded all fics (300 words and over) and all drabbles (under 300 words) into their new homes. There are no graphics yet, but keep an eye on this space as any and all updates will be announced here.

I am pleased to announce that my ficlet Future Past has been nominated at the Stargate Awards 2006.
Please take a moment to go and vote, not necessarily for me!

 Stargate Awards 2006


best viewed in 1024x768
layout by literati



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We intend no malicious infringement of copyright, and make no claims of any kind on any trademark, concept or established character belonging to MGM, Acme Shark and any other persons and corporations with legitimate claims on any of the characters used within these pages.

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